السبت، 25 ديسمبر 2010

Talking at the seminary… Ω

Last week, on Sunday 19th of December, I was asked to discuss a topic of “thinking skills” as a project of the semester in front of my classmates .and teachers.

I got myself ready few weeks before the seminary, because it wasn't hard, but because it was the first time to do such a thing.At noon time we went to the theater, and I started my job... with fast breathing...pale face.... Shivering hands ...and scared voice like an old woman.
It was a hard trial, but it was success... Proud of what I did, I waved my hand to my friends asking their courage and support. My friends were very a qualified to support me, I started my speech... It was clear and understandable.It was my first try and my friends will follow me to do the same with great confidence.

Mashael ALnofiaey


هناك تعليقان (2):

  1. Woww!!
    It's a very beautiful experience & I'm very proud of YOU because you did all the best :D
    You doesn't matter if you have a nervous to express you want to tell what you want to do

    keep up the good work & I'm happy for you ♥:D

    With love: 3bzzi

  2. what a lovely project!!
    I hope that you benefited from this experience..
    Keep trying with persistence and determination..

