الأحد، 26 ديسمبر 2010

My first day of exam


At 5 a.m. I was studying for English Exam. After an hour of studying I went to the university.

I was so nerves, but my friends supported me and made me come down. At 8 a.m. I entered the hall. It was very big and well organized .Each class has a row. I sat on the chair and prepared myself for the exam. After 2 hours, I finished the exam, then I went home.

Alanoud alobedi

The first day at university

My name is alanoud alobedi. I'm student at princess nourh university. I'm 18 years old. I live in Riyadh. 


I woke up at 6 am in the morning to be ready for collage. When I arrived l was so scared I asked some students where can I find the building for primary year, when I entered the building I saw my friends waiting for me.

We went to gather to the responsible teacher to tell us about the university.
After that we went for my first class. When I found it, I saw new girls and a lovely teacher.

At the end of the class, I was so tired I went back home it was on interesting day for me .

السبت، 25 ديسمبر 2010

Talking at the seminary… Ω

Last week, on Sunday 19th of December, I was asked to discuss a topic of “thinking skills” as a project of the semester in front of my classmates .and teachers.

I got myself ready few weeks before the seminary, because it wasn't hard, but because it was the first time to do such a thing.At noon time we went to the theater, and I started my job... with fast breathing...pale face.... Shivering hands ...and scared voice like an old woman.
It was a hard trial, but it was success... Proud of what I did, I waved my hand to my friends asking their courage and support. My friends were very a qualified to support me, I started my speech... It was clear and understandable.It was my first try and my friends will follow me to do the same with great confidence.

Mashael ALnofiaey


A great day of my life…¤¤

Last Wednesday, It was one of the best days in my life, it was very exciting day. I went to the university at 8 AM and I received a lot of good news. First, my communication skills teacher gave me my midterm exam mark and it was one of the highest scores in class. Second, After my break I went to my study skills teacher office to deliver my project. When she checked it, she gave me some positive comments and she also encouraged me to participate in one of the competitions at university. The best part was when I came back home. When I told my parents about what happened to me they were very proud of me. My family thought that I deserve a gift because of the great work that I did, so they took me to a Chinese restaurant and after that my father bought me a new mobile
Actually, it was a great day and I hope that I will have many days full of happiness in the future.

Mashael ALnofiaey

My second day

In this day I woke up early , this is my second day in the university , I had my breakfast , then I went to university , I was so excited to meet my friends and my teachers .

In this day I started to take lessons and homework, I had some difficulties in the university's system, I didn’t know the rules, but I got used to them.
I met my old friends that I haven’t seen for a long time, they changed so much, I couldn’t recognize them at first.
In the break I sat with my new and old friends, I had so much fun with them.
When my classes ended, I went back home and did my homework.

Razan Ali Alabdi

My first day of college

It is the first day of university, it was a special day, I woke up at 6 a.m, I was so excited.

I was very scared, I didn’t know where I want to go, I asked students about the way, then attended the first class, it was an English class and met new beautiful friends, and met my teacher, she is so cute, after that I sat with my new friends and talked with them. Then we attended the class together, I was tired, I left the university at 4:00 pm  , I went home and sat with my mother and my sister and told them what did I do in my first day.
after that I went to sleep early at 8:00 pm , and I was excited for the next day.
By : Razan Ali Alabdi ..


On every Wednesday I wake up at 5:30 a.m. In the morning. Then I pray and dress up to be ready for collage. As soon as I get there I go directly to my class and be ready tell the English class starts. English class is so much fun with teacher Manal.

 She gives us the lesson as a game and sometimes like a competition between two girls or she divides us in to two teams. After that she also gives us a subject to talk about to improve our English language. After English class we have a brake about 35 minutes.

 My friends and I usually have breakfast at this time. When it is 11 p.m. we have a computer class with teacher Shaza. She is a very good teacher everyone in the class like her. After her class finishes. We have about an hour rest tell the communication  skills starts. Me and my friends always chat with each other in this brake.

 We have a very strong relationship. I hope it last forever. Before communication skills starts everyone get there 10 minutes early to the class. Because she likes it this way. She doesn’t want anyone to be late for her class. I haven’t mentioned her name. Her name is teacher Nourh. Most of the girls get active in her class. I don’t know why?? Maybe because of her way of teaching. At the end of the day. I go back home and enjoy the weekend with my lovely family.

Thank you for sharing this two days with me……
walaa adel al-mubarak

Two days at PNU

Hello every one I'm a student here at Princess Nourh University.My name is Walaa Al_Mubarak.I will talk about two of my best and incredible days in PNU.

First I want to tell you more about my University. There is a huge number of students in this University it's about forty thousand students and it has more than 32 colleges. So it allows each student  to choose her own specialization.

Now let me talk about my two days in PNU.

Monday ,Monday is my favorite day in the whole week. Because on Monday we only have one class. It's English class. English is my favorite subject. The teacher's name is Miss Manal . She is a greet and sweet teacher . In this Monday she gave us reading about health care. At the end of the English class I went with my friends to the gat. So we can go home and enjoy the rest of our day. This Monday happens to be my 18th birthday . It was very exciting  day for me.  When I entered  the car all I was thinking about is my parent's gift. I couldn’t wait to see what they have bought for me.

As soon as I arrived I went directly to the living room. I saw my family singing for me happy birthday. There were food , balloons and gifts  all around the living room.

I had so much fun. Then it was the time for opening the gifts. I really loved all of them, but my parent's were different as I thought. It was something that I wanted since I were a little girl. The gift was a lovely and gorgeous male cat. It has a blond hair , beautiful blue eyes and a long fluffy tail. I named it Mitsuki. That was unforgettable day for me.

I'm Mitsuki

The Last Day Of My Week

Hello again. I would like to tell you about the next day. I wake up at 10:00am like the previous day. I have many things to do today. I eat breakfast and then I arrange my room. This takes a long time. Next, I do my home work and study my lessons for this week. At 6 pm, my parents and I go to the super market to bring things we need like fruits, vegetables, cleaning tools and other foods. At 9:00am, I make nice dinner and enjoy watching the T.V. At the end of the day, I go to sleep early because tomorrow I have to wake up early at 5:45am.

Maram Mohammad Al.Qassem

My Best Day

Hello everybody! I am going to talk about how I spend my weekends. Weekends are the best days in a week. Because, I have long time for fun. I wake up at 10:00am and drink coffee with my family. We have breakfast together. After that, I help my mother to prepare the lunch. Around 1:00am, my family and I go to my grandfather’s farm which is outside of Riyadh. We have fun together in the farm. We feed grains to the ducks, swim in the pool, play football, walk between the trees, talk about the important issues in the community. In the evening, we prepare chicken for 'Al mandy rice'. My father and my uncle cooked it. It was the best mandy that I have ever had

In winter, I go out camping and have nice time with my family. we make a big tent and stay there. My cousins and I drove G.M.C car around our camping site. Thereafter, we make fire to escape from the cold in the evening.  We also make BBQ for dinner. After finishing our dinner, we walk a bit, then play puzzles and tell horror stories. We go to sleep after beginning to feel sleepy and cold.

Maram Mohammad Al.Qassem.

My first day at university & symposium day

        My university

My first  day at university
My first day at university I was very nervous and I was afraid of being in a different situation. I was lost at the beginning but my mother encouraged me and supported me. I started to look arourd the university and find my classes. First I found my English class. When I opend the door I saw my teacher and my class mates .Then I went back home with a different feeling ..  

                                                  The symposium 

On Sunday 19 th of  December I woke up at 6 a.m . I was so excited  for our symposium and the  English exam . I have done well on my English exam. I went directly to the symposium to rehearse and get ready, after we have finished, the teacher thanked us for all of our efforts . then I went to the computer class, and then I went
back home……..
    Nouf AL-Swidany

                      Princess Noora Bint Abdul Rahman

Our field trip to King Abdul-Aziz Center

I woke up early like every Saturday and started getting ready for college, it was the field trip day and the university took us to “King Abdul-Aziz Center”, I was so excited to go, but my enthusiasm didn’t last.
As soon as the bus started moving the driver got lost, when we finally got there they welcomed us and led us to the meeting room, where they showed us the programs the center has. I was so fascinated by all the things they accomplished. They gave us the opportunity to sign up to one of their campaigns. I signed up for the (Safeer) campaign, which is basically reaching to the other societies and show them what Saudi people are really like.
When we got back to college,  I only had one class left so the day went by so fast, and I finally got to go back home and I went straight to bed.


Worst Wednesday of my life !!

      It was the first time I say:” Oh no!! It’s Wednesday” and it was because I had to go to my cousin’s wedding.
The day started like any other day of the week, I got ready and went to college and it was a very long day with very long, boring classes! When I got back home I went straight to bed and slept for an hour, then woke up on my mother’s voice saying that we were late, but it was only one of my mother’s ways of waking us up. I got up, took a shower and went to the hair salon.
     The wedding was beautiful, but I was so tired and my feet hurt so bad I could barely walk and what’s worse is that I stepped on my dress and it was ripped!!

I got home and the only thing I could think of was my comfortable, warm bed.


My friends

Once day I made a plan to see my old friends from high school. We decided to go to a coffee shop called caribou coffee.
 It’s a great place I was so happy to see them again after a long time. We talked about a lot of things, we recalled different memories from our school days. Each one of us talked about her current life and the challenges that we faced. Time has passed so quickly. We promised each other that we will see and support each other no matter what the circumstances we are facing.  That day was a really amazing day to remember and I will always remember it.

Abeer Qaryan AL-Assi AL-Ruwaili 

The Busiest day

I am so happy and proud of being a student at Princess Noura University. This year, For the first time I had the chance to participate in a big event like Thinking Symposium which was held on the 19th of December. My friends and I were responsible for distributing and posting the Symposium logo and posters. I was very anxious at the beginning of the event as the number of the audience was small. With time a lot of people started to come and the place became crowded. At the end of the day I was very happy with the success we made.
During that day I got to know A lot of people and learned the importance of organization and time work.

  Abeer Qaryan AL-Assi AL-Ruwaili